Spanish Chicken

This delicious dish is perfect for entertaining friends and even better because it’s prepared and cooked in a single dish. Serve it with crusty bread to soak up the flavourful juices!

  • Serves 6

    6 chicken drumsticks 

    6 chicken thighs

    2 tbsp olive oil

    3 garlic cloves, grated

    4 medium red onions, each cut into 6 pieces

    3 garlic bulbs, cloves removed and peeled

    1 fennel bulb, cut into 6 pieces

    150g chorizo, cut into 1cm cubes

    1tbsp olive oil

    1 red pepper, diced 2cm pieces

    1 orange pepper, diced 2cm pieces

    150g butternut squash, diced 2cm pieces

    400g new potatoes, cut into thick slices

    Salt and black pepper, as required

    2 tsp paprika

    Flat leaf parsley as required

  • Preparation Time: 35 minutes. Cooking Time: 45 minutes.

    1. Place the olive oil and grated garlic into a large bowl and stir well.

    2. Add the chicken pieces to the bowl and coat well with the oil and garlic mixture and leave for an hour.

    3. Place the olive oil, onions, garlic, fennel, chorizo, peppers, squash and potatoes into the base of a deep roasting tray. Stir the vegetables several times so they are all covered in oil. 

    4. Place the chicken pieces on top of the vegetables together with the oil and garlic marinade. Season with salt, pepper and paprika.

    5. Place the roasting tray in to the oven. CAST OVEN: on the floor grid on the floor of the roasting oven or oven on R8. FAN OVEN: preheated to R6/180oC/350oF. Cook for about 45 minutes or until the chicken is browned and falling off the bone. 

    6. Garnish with torn leaves of flat parsley. Serve at once, this dish is delicious with warm, crusty bread.  


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